September 14, 2017

Jeff on Generation XYZ Summit

Business News

September 14, 2017

Parrot Analytics’ Regional Director Courtney Williams moderated the Generation XYZ: Building TV for All panel alongside Debra Birnbaum, Executive Editor for Variety.

TV chiefs are quickly innovating their programming experiences – making sure they have vibrant social media tie-ins to connect with younger viewers, while also investing increasingly on premium programming to win over everyone. Advertising is being reinvented – smaller commercial loads, more subtle brand content integrations – to limit disruption and keep viewers glued to the show. Networks are distributing across legacy pay TV systems, while also on the newer OTT channel bundles to make sure everyone’s viewing behaviors are represented. Sports programming and its must-see live nature is becoming a bigger priority across platforms. Top TV networks, programming distributors, advertisers/marketers and their partners will talk about the best way to connect with all of their audiences.

On the panel Variety welcomed Susanne Daniels, Global Head of Content for YouTube, Kevin Reilly, President TNT & TBS, Craig Erwich, SVP and Head of Content for Hulu, Jason Kassin, co-founder and CEO of FilmTrack and Jeff Wachtel, President and Chief Content Officer, NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment.

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